Yiming Yao
Yiming Yao
@souldong1591 copy dlls to pycaffe\caffe folder
@Lordores @gaexp251546 原因是你下载的thirdparty里的libboost版本是用python2.7编译的,你自己下载一个Boost source code,自己编译一下:先运行bootstrap.bat(Boost根目录下),再在命令行下运行 .\b2.exe address-model=64(这个一定要加,默认可能是32位的),然后复制到thridparty里(include要一起复制)
@xiaosuzhang $BOOST_DIR/stage/lib/ 下的所有以‘.lib'结尾的文件;还有$BOOST_DIR/boost文件夹
@xiaosuzhang 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/12JvS3vqkp_-9A0Oqkxfa5Q 密码:aokj
@justein Sorry for the late reply: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o_qGgZQ0M5Z06TuEQxkF2g icsq
just copy all .dll files in thirdparty/bins folder into site-packages/caffe folder and restart python make sure there are vcruntime*.dll and all hdf5 dll files used in the build phase, including...
@angleboy8 Hi, I've switched to Tensorflow and not been using Caffe for almost a year, so I can only answer your issue based on my memory. So there would be...