caffe-windows copied to clipboard
Error in import caffe
I followed the instructions. And compile both libcaffe and pycaffe thes two projects successful. And After I copy pycaffe/caffe into ../Lib/site-packages/ and import caffe in cmd. It says: from ._caffe import Net, SGDSolver, NesterovSolver, AdaGraSolver, \ ImportError: DLL load failed, %1 not win32 application.
I use windows10, Anaconda 4.4.0(64bit python27) and all of caffe projects were successfully builded in win64.
I'm having a similar problem. Compiles just fine and there's no errors as far as I can tell. After copying it into my site-packages and trying to run it as import, I get:
File "C:\Users\Eric\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\caffe\", line 13, in
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
I download caffe-windows(ms branch) again and follow the instruction and successfully import caffe.
@EricEidel How could you solve this problem? I also meet this strange problem, previously everything is ok but when i add a new layer and everything is ok when compililng.... But when I import caffe.... It informs that the exactly same error. I am just wondering where can I get more error information?
Hey @PkuRainBow, I ended up forking a different repo for the caffe framework for windows. I used and followed their instructions on the page and the error went away. I was able to build and copy the caffe folder into my python folder to run the programs I wanted.
@EricEidel I solved the problem. I recommend a software named DependencyWalker, which can analyze the missing dll files quickly.
update : oh, I solved my problem. When I run caffe.exe , found that missing cudnn64_5.dll. copy cudnn64_5.dll to caffe folder , I successfully import caffe.
hey @PkuRainBow, How could you solve this problem? I tried to use DependencyWalker, but this software can only view the DLL file. the folder where I compiled.
I solved the problem after copy cudnn64_7.dll and \windows\thirdparty\bins*.dll to Anaconda3\Library\bin
@XuSen123 @EricEidel @PkuRainBow @souldong1591 @senlinuc @happynear,I followed the instructions. And compile both libcaffe and pycaffe thes two projects successful. And After I copy pycaffe/caffe into ../Lib/site-packages/ and import caffe in cmd.I get this result.
I try to copy cudnn64_5.dll and \windows\thirdparty\bins*.dll to Anaconda2\Library\bin and restart the computer. At the same time, I add the 'F:\caffe_windows_new\caffe-windows-ms\caffe-windows-ms\windows\thirdparty\bins' to the system path. I also have this question. I will appreciated if I received your reply as soon as possible. Thank you very much!
SYSTEM CONFIGURE: Win10, VS1025, Anaconda2
@souldong1591 copy dlls to pycaffe\caffe folder
Ok,Thank you very much! I will try it as soon as possible.In fact, I solve it throught other methods. Thanks for you replay again。