Max Katz

Results 288 comments of Max Katz

It might require changes in XamlX repo, if anybody wants to pick it up

> I think Avalonia now supports NET 5. Yes. > What about WinUI 3? Avalonia is equivalent of WinUI, it's not supposed to support it. Still you can use native...

I assume it might be a duplicate of, seems to be the same issue.

TemplateBinding is a simple markup extension without a binding path that can be parsed and without compiler magic. So that's pretty expected limitation as for now. Though I would love...

If there is a similar control/shape in other GUI frameworks, we can take naming from there. There is none in WPF/UWP/Xamarin from what I know.

RelativeSize type for the inner radius? So it can be specified as percentage OR absolute values.

Avalonia goes a "fast path" for "enun -> string" conversion here Proper behavior seems to be to read TypeDescriptor.GetConverter first. Or we can try to port [DefaultValueConverter]( from WPF...

Yeah, normally this won't be a problem with data context. That's why it wasn't noticed before. But sometimes you would need to bind to the generic property anyway.

@rabbitism IIRC it was a limitation inside of the control templates. With latest master it should have been fixed.

> but compiled bindings doesn't seem to look at x:DataType when binding through named reference, e.g. for {Binding #root.DataContext.Greeting}: Yeah, that's expected since DataContext is an `object` type class member....