Maxim Pashuk
Maxim Pashuk
Any **_bulk** request to elasticsearch requires a request body which is not single JSON object, but a multiple JSON objects splitted by newline. ``` json { "index" : {...
For now: - indexes have horizontal orientation, - nodes have vertical orientation. This orientation very good is you have many nodes and few indexes, in this case only vertical scrolling...
I am using logstash 1.5.2 Currently I can use pattern %{NUMBER:response:int} and resulting elasticsearch document will have mapping "response": { "type": "long" }, Instead of default mapping type string. Documentation...
Hi I am using **Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData 7.0.1** I am trying to use key-as-segment (```users/1``` instead of ```users(1)```) I set ```SetUrlKeyDelimiter(ODataUrlKeyDelimiter.Slash)```, also set up ```ODataSimplifiedOptions``` and enable ```EnableReadingKeyAsSegment``` and ```EnableWritingKeyAsSegment```. Most of...
Way to reproduce: 1. Download latest .net core sdk docker image ``` docker pull ``` 2. Run container interactive ``` docker run --rm -it ``` 3. Run ```pwsh```...
Interface IEdmEntitySet include interface IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, so I can set, for example, optimistic concurrency properties for top-level entity set. BUT, interface IEdmContainedEntitySet not include IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, so I can't set optimistic concurrency...