Maxime Liquet

Results 368 comments of Maxime Liquet

> I think for backward compatibility we'll likely stick with hover_cols adding columns and add a new tooltips keyword to specify subsets of the dimensions (but also add additional columns)...

> sometimes I want to know that for the precise coordinates listed, the precise value of other columns was as shown I'm not sure I understand correctly your statement. Does...

> I'd maybe think that reducing the default number of points shown in the hover would avoid the negative user experience without removing the legitimately useful purposes of hovering. I...

I was looking for the Bokeh issue on hit testing but couldn't find it, or a relevant one :/ Anyway waiting for Bokeh to fix this is probably not our...

Yes actually there's bits of code in the repo that should allow to do that, except that the hvplot entry point isn't configured.

WebGL support has definitely improved in Bokeh. This is still the right way to enable WebGL in hvplot: ```python import holoviews as hv hv.renderer('bokeh').webgl = True ``` What we should...

> After playing around with the geo tab for a bit, I found it non-intuitive that it mirrors hvplot by enabling `geo=True` based on `project` and `features`. This makes sense...

I don't know if it's related to changes in this PR, probably not but I haven't checked, but I can't get it to work as I would expect: ![hvplot_explorer_issue_geo](