Maxime Liquet

Results 368 comments of Maxime Liquet

Looks like we've managed to achieve what the OP wanted on one of our websites ( And when I see it in action I think it's a better default than...

+1 for having the search box in the navbar, like in the examples shown above and like on Facebook or Linkedin.

For reference this is the code that is working as expected with hvPlot and the Bokeh backend: ```python import hvplot.streamz from streamz.dataframe import Random df = Random(interval='200ms', freq='50ms') df.groupby('y').sum()'y') ```

@philippjfr yes you were right the plotly example is working fine, I don't know what went wrong in the env I was using. I've updated my original post to restrict...

As far as I know `Dataset` isn't an abstract class. I agree that having better docstrings is always a good idea. What you did with Panel docstrings, i.e. embedding a...

An easy win is having a link to the reference page in the docstring, this has been added by Marc to Panel and has proven to me pretty useful, Simon...

Thanks for looking into this @Hoxbro ! From what I've seen after some debugging `geom_aggregate._process` is called twice, the first time it updates the dataframe referenced as`` by converting the...

The traceback reported in this [recent blog post]( is very similar to the one reported in this issue. They have the same root cause and will certainly have the same...

This is due to the `publish_display_data` function of IPython that is used by `Panel` to inject some Javascript and CSS (

I'm also unsure about supporting `cuDF` or other datatypes. We'll have to get this sorted out before the next release, I'd really like this fix to be part of it.