Morten Maxild

Results 18 comments of Morten Maxild

I have been working/following the code analysis `.editorconfig`/`.globalconfig` based changes in the .NET 5 SDK where code styles and code quality have been built into the sdk to be more...

> They publish a "default" set of severities for the code analysis rules, but I haven't found one for the code style rules. The SDK uses global analyzer config files...

You have to use `microsoft.codeanalysis.csharp.codestyle.3.9.0-xxxxxx` preview builds to get those files for explicit/recommended code style (IDExxxx) severity settings from there CI-feed...It is experimental, and will probably first come in .NET...

> Using warnings has the advantage of giving developers the ability to use TreatWarningsAsErrors. This will only work probably when 16.9 ship

Thanks for the quick response:smile: I searched for "direct hie.yaml", and found something in a github repo almost similar to your suggestion ```yaml cradle: direct: arguments: #- -hide-package=ghc-boot-th #- -hide-package=template-haskell...

I am about to start the data61 (NICTA) course The project is ghci based (no stack, no cabal, by default), with compiler setings defined in this [.ghci]( I wasn't able...

This is the [output]( The `Setup.hs` contains ```haskell import Distribution.Simple main = defaultMain ``` It should definitely be ignored, but its in a `./support` directory, and `.ghci` is only adding...

I can't get it working with the `-ghci-script=.ghci` compiler option Also ```bash $ ghc --show-options | grep ghci -fghci-history -fghci-leak-check -fghci-sandbox -fno-ghci-history -fno-ghci-leak-check -fno-ghci-sandbox ``` I see no such option,...

Yes it appears I cannot build network, and the same goes for network I have opened new issue [here](