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How to use hie with GHCI setup (no cabal, no stack)

Open maxild opened this issue 4 years ago • 9 comments

I would like to use hie in vscode on a project where I used to be using ghci/ghcid (no cabal, no stack).

I am having trouble getting import XXXX of my other modules to be resolved. Here is the important pieces from my .ghci file

:set -fwarn-unused-binds
:set -fwarn-unused-imports
:set -isrc
:set -icis194/week12
:load main.hs

I need hie to know that src and cis194/week12 should be searched by GHC.

How do I tell hie that?

I tried a hie.yaml on the form

 - -Wunused-binds
 - -Wunused-imports
 - -Worphans
 - -isrc
 - -icis194/week12

The server crashes 5 times on this one.

Also is it supported to have

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}

on the source files, or is

maxild avatar Mar 12 '20 14:03 maxild

IIRC, hie.yaml should have the form:

   - -Wunused-binds
   - -Wunused-imports
   - -Worphans
   - -isrc
   - -icis194/week12

But then this ought to work. Can you try it, too? If it does not work, please link the output of hie --debug . here.

Also is it supported to have

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}

on the source files, or is

Yes, that is supported. If not, please open ticket :)

fendor avatar Mar 12 '20 14:03 fendor

Thanks for the quick response:smile:

I searched for "direct hie.yaml", and found something in a github repo almost similar to your suggestion

      #- -hide-package=ghc-boot-th
      #- -hide-package=template-haskell
      #- -package=ghc-lib-parser
      - -fwarn-incomplete-patterns
      - -fwarn-unused-binds
      - -fwarn-unused-imports
      - -fwarn-orphans
      - -isrc
      - -icis194/week12

If I uncomment all the hide pkg's compiler options(-hide-package=...) then it is almost similar.

So -fwarn-unused-binds is similar to -Wunused-imports?

It is woriking, thanks!


Is this the correct approach if I want to use hie (or ghcide or some other hie-bios powered tool)?

When using ghcid and hlint I only had to configure .ghci. Now I have to configure hie.yaml as well, but do get 'goto definition', 'hover tool tips', 'show references'. Is this correct?

What is the default, if running without a hie.yaml, and not using cabal or stack?

maxild avatar Mar 12 '20 15:03 maxild

It is woriking, thanks!

Glad to hear it :)

Is this the correct approach if I want to use hie (or ghcide or some other hie-bios powered tool)?

The hie.yaml is the correct approach, yeah. I think you can actually pass in the .ghci script via -ghci-script=... to repeating yourself.

What is the default, if running without a hie.yaml, and not using cabal or stack?

In hie, we assume a direct cradle which is more or less identical to:

    - -i.

Additionally, it passes the file to load to ghc. That can not be expressed via this hie.yaml.

Source: https://github.com/haskell/haskell-ide-engine/blob/b32ff3a56c33514ffeed70387988ba2c179398ec/hie-plugin-api/Haskell/Ide/Engine/Cradle.hs#L467

fendor avatar Mar 12 '20 16:03 fendor

I am about to start the data61 (NICTA) course

The project is ghci based (no stack, no cabal, by default), with compiler setings defined in this .ghci. I wasn't able to define the hie.yaml like this

      - -ghci-script=.ghci

Maybe I am doing something wrong?

Instead I wrote

      - -package time
      - -package containers
      - -fwarn-incomplete-patterns
      - -fwarn-unused-binds
      - -fwarn-unused-imports
      - -fwarn-orphans
      - -isrc
      - -Wall
      - -fno-warn-unused-binds
      - -fno-warn-unused-do-bind
      - -fno-warn-unused-imports
      - -fno-warn-type-defaults
      - -XNoImplicitPrelude
      - -XScopedTypeVariables
      - -XOverloadedStrings
      - -XRebindableSyntax
      # :l src/Course.hs src/Test/Loader.hs
      # :m + Test.Loader

Do you know if I need the :load src/Course.hs src/Test/Loader.hs line, and the :m + Test.Loader line?

I couldn't find anything with any of the below

ghc --show-options | grep load
ghc --show-options | grep module

maxild avatar Mar 12 '20 20:03 maxild

The project is ghci based (no stack, no cabal, by default), with compiler setings defined in this .ghci. I wasn't able to define the hie.yaml like this

     - -ghci-script=.ghci

What is the error message? E.g. Output of hie --debug.

Do you know if I need the :load src/Course.hs src/Test/Loader.hs line, and the :m + Test.Loader line?

Lines such as :load are definitely for the ghci script and do not work with hie.yaml. As a rule of thumb, the command ghc <arguments> File.hs should succeed.

fendor avatar Mar 12 '20 21:03 fendor

This is the output

The Setup.hs contains

import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

It should definitely be ignored, but its in a ./support directory, and .ghci is only adding ./src via -i option?

maxild avatar Mar 12 '20 23:03 maxild

To ignore a specific file, take a look at the none cradle. E.g. assuming that your project root is /Users/maxfire/Projects/haskell/fp-course, your hie.yaml could look like this:

    - path: ./
            arguments: [...]
    - path: ./support/Setup.hs

The so-called none-cradle tells HIE to not even attempt to load the files associated with it.

fendor avatar Mar 13 '20 11:03 fendor

I can't get it working with the -ghci-script=.ghci compiler option


$ ghc --show-options | grep ghci

I see no such option, even though I can find it documented online?

maxild avatar Mar 13 '20 15:03 maxild

I can't get it working with the -ghci-script=.ghci compiler option

How does it manifest? In the logs you posted, I think you were missing the stderr and the result claims that everything works as expected. It ought to work, stack provides such a script as well.

I see no such option, even though I can find it documented online?

Sorry, not my expertise.

fendor avatar Mar 13 '20 20:03 fendor