vue-typeahead-bootstrap icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-typeahead-bootstrap copied to clipboard

An autocomplete/typeahead component for Vue 2 and Bootstrap 4

Results 48 vue-typeahead-bootstrap issues
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Hi, I stumbled on this fork while checking out the original by the name `vue-bootstrap-typeahead` and this is very nice work. Thanks to all maintainers for improving and keeping this...

good first issue
looking for community support

Hi! Thank you for your autocomplete. Works like a charm. Simple issue i have - how to show "No results" message when no data returned? Thanks in advance!

Is it possible to add a prop in order to reset field on focus lost if not any suggestion was selected ?

looking for community support

I've been reading through docs and couldn't find... Where is the property, which says how many items are matching the current query? i.e. `MatchedAmount` or whatever, which will provide that...

good first issue
looking for community support

We would like to implement a boolean to trigger the typeahead to function as if it was a html select box. Expected functionality, use `select` to set sane defaults for...

Hi. I'm wondering if you can help me with this. Currently, spaces are matching as literals, and I want to be able to use them as filter instead. Meaning, when...

looking for community support
improve matcher

We don't want to keep track of issues that aren't active. Inactivity for 4 weeks can indicate staleness I think. Here's one bot I quickly found -- I'm not married...

We want to be helpful to folks who want to contribute to the project by being clear what the expectations for successful contributions will look like and how to get...
