vue-typeahead-bootstrap icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-typeahead-bootstrap copied to clipboard

An autocomplete/typeahead component for Vue 2 and Bootstrap 4

Results 48 vue-typeahead-bootstrap issues
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Is there any plans for Vue3 support for this library? Any idea on the amount of effort it would take?

There are a few props (i.e. `ariaLabelledBy`, `placeholder`) that are not documented but do appear on the component definition (and `placeholder` is mentioned in `Examples`). Is it worth updating...

Please add autocomplete="off" to the search input. Maybe its good idea to to change the input type to "search" as well.


Looking at the documentation, I can't tell if this is intended or not, but @ hit events trigger @ input events to fire. ![image]( So if I select something from...

Thanks for maintaining this. I need lazy behaviour on v-model, like `v-model.lazy="name"`. But it doesn't seem to be implemented in this component. My problem: the component is bound to a...

looking for community support

Needs ability to append the dropdown to the body so that it can be seen outside of overflow containers


![image]( - Object error occurred in IE 11 - Issue exists in vue-typeahead-bootstrap **version > 2.5.5**

help wanted

After input has been entered, i get input events, but after pressing the ESC key, no event comes to the app to reset the variable or clear my selection.


Hello @mattzollinhofer I met an issue when selecting options. Because the tag's HREF value is '#', the page caused to scroll to top. Please consider to change `href="#"` to `href="javascript:void(0)"`....

It would be idea to allow for items to be passed in with a `group` value. Expectation would be typeahead organizes the items within their listed groups and presents group...