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vue-typeahead-bootstrap copied to clipboard

An autocomplete/typeahead component for Vue 2 and Bootstrap 4

Results 48 vue-typeahead-bootstrap issues
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This PR is not ready for merging as there some issues: 1) Doesn't handle 'minMatchedCharacters'. It needs to handle initial typing and also backspacing 2) Do we want an additional...

_This is a discussion/brainstorm PR at this point. All thoughts are welcome._ ### Premise I believe we can provide more a more usable API by bubbling more events up to...

Focus event may be useful for loading initial data for list instead of using `mounted` hook for that case. Also I added `id` attribute for input for use with ``.

Hi, I am migrating a vue2 project to vite (4). In doing so, I found that vue-typeahead-bootstrap wouldn't import. The problem is in the import of lodash. ``` import clone...

Trying to use this in Nuxt with vue 2 results in a SyntaxError: Unexpected token '

When we used it inside modal popup, The auto complete list disappears when we try to scroll bar using mouse. ![scroll bar issue](

Hi, thinking of switching over from Alex repo. His code does a pretty good job for me, really the only issue that I am running into is that the searching...

looking for community support
improve matcher

When I type some characters into the typeahead and click on a suggestion in the list, the @hit event is emitted twice - once with a string value and once...