I feel like because the information isn’t as verbose it wouldn’t matter quite as much to have that in the full report. I guess that would also affect what track...
Big +1 on this one. My key map is so out of date Sent from my iPhone > On 17 Mar 2022, at 8:11 am, ScottChesworth ***@***.***> wrote: > >...
To put in my two cents I have found this issue has come up when working on movies. Sometimes because we’re dealing with hours you can get a bit confusing...
Second this. Especially when looping etc Sent from my iPhone > On 20 Mar 2022, at 10:43 am, leejul ***@***.***> wrote: > > > It would be nice to...
Have to agree on this point. I do bash the escape key a lot and cancel time selections which can be frustrating. Could remove times selection be on shift escape...
Alt shift esc? Not really intuitive though. Probably best to just leaving it where it is Sent from my iPhone > On 4 Jul 2021, at 5:17 pm, ScottChesworth ***@***.***>...
I might be way off base here but I can definitely see having easier access to send volumes, mutes, pans, etc would be super useful. The IO dialogue is not...
Aaaa crap sorry man. Completely flaked on this! Shows how much I use that dialogue, really need too. Thanks for the heads > On 6 Sep 2021, at 7:07 pm,...
Hey James. Using the latest NVDA with win 10. Cheers > On 29 Jan 2021, at 5:47 pm, James Teh wrote: > > > What screen reader are you using?...
Aaaa boo. I thought this might be a complicated Horrorshow. It wouldn’t do to just define a dozen of the main ones used? Like how specific are people when assigning...