Matthieu Sauboua-Beneluz
Matthieu Sauboua-Beneluz
Hello. I haven't had the chance to look at my lib in a while, I have been very busy with work. Don't hesitate to make a pull request if you...
Hello, I don't have a lot of time right now to take a look at this. However I'll try as soon as I can (Maybe this week-end). If you come...
HI. I have released a new version you can use to correct the `sed -r` error. However there might be other problems with sed expressions, so i am not sure...
Has your problem been fixed ?
Hello, did my update fix your problem ?
There are currently some issues with my plugin, so tab completion will not work properly anyway. I haven't hadtime to correct this, feel free to do a PR if you...
Most zsh plugins assume your install is done correctly, and display an error message on terminal launch if this is not the case. So I think your idea of assuming...
Hello. I had the same issue recently, I would be grateful if this PR could be merged. Thanks for the hard work !