Matt Steele

Results 7 issues of Matt Steele

**Describe the bug** I'm not sure this is specifically an MDC Web bug, but I'm open to suggestions or workarounds. Loading the styles for Chips does not appear to be...


This is tangentially related to #117 On Windows 10 I have a Linux subsystem running Debian 10. On this instance, launchy detects `xdg-open` and tries to open the browser. using...

I've built a UMD bundle with Webpack 3.0.0, using `devtool: '#source-map'` as my source map generation option. It ends up producing a build with multiple `//# sourceMappingUrl` pragmas. For example:...

When attempting to run this I was running into errors, likely as a result of changes to Actions during the preview: This PR reworks to use `actions.yml` and the...

I'm trying to use this in a Metalsmith project I just started, but am getting an error regarding Invalid Paths on Windows. It's reproducible in this project if I run...

This is more of a general question regarding Angular builders; how does one compose multiple custom builders together? My scenario: I'm using [@angular-builders/custom-webpack]( to customize my Webpack configuration. I'd like...