Matt Steele

Results 16 comments of Matt Steele

I've been trying to get this working on a Mac and have been running into issues. My device: [Suunto Movestick]( (same vendor/product id as `GarminStick2`). When I try to run...

Didn't seem to help, I get a segfault. At debug level 4: ``` [timestamp] [threadID] facility level [function call] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ 3.131655] [0000050f] libusb: debug [libusb_get_device_list] [ 3.131729] [0000050f] libusb:...

I looked into this a while back: From what I'd found, the only way to prevent rebuilding the Docker container each time is to publish the built container to...

As info, I'm experiencing the same issue. I can capture a single photo successfully, but on the 4-photo flow, after taking the 4th photo it fails and goes to the...

@Eddy-1980 My device was a A6400, but it sounds like it's a similar issue to other Sony models. @anxuae I'll have to re-setup my Pi, but should be able to...

@anxuae I've attached my diagnostics log file: [diagnostic.log]( The console output a large number of warnings and errors when running `pibooth-diag`, primarily these: ``` Gphoto2: b'ptp_usb_event [usb.c:588]': b'Reading PTP event...

Thanks @anxuae. I'm not sure what's changed between March and now, so I appreciate your help in debugging! > Before restarting pibooth, can you run the following command in a...

Running this returned a similar error: ``` pi@raspberrypi:~ $ gphoto2 --set-config capturetarget="sdram" *** Error *** capturetarget not found in configuration tree. *** Error (-1: 'Unspecified error') *** ``` I've attached...

I'm seeing similar things using the development version. Run 1: [a6400-run-1.log]( * Start pibooth * Start first session with 1 photo * Shutter goes off twice * Processing / Session...

I found my shooting mode was set to "Continuous - LO", which I think was responsible for the multiple shutter triggers. After switching to "Single" shooting mode, here's a few...