As I have been around a few times the maintainer transition has been discussed in issues or pull requests, I feel that I should clarify my position. I would like...
There is no such option nor any alternative implementations in usbmount. usbmount does not manage the disk operations itself, it simply asks for the disk to be mounted when it...
This library currently uses systemd and this is without context, work or even description: I vote to close this as won't fix.
Sounds like it may be related to #11. Unfortunately I was unable to reproduce/understand fully the cause of that issue and the reporter found their own workaround.
@spuiuk Are you using the latest build? As I understood the issue you describe, should have fixed it.
If your hoping to have these commits reviewed and merged within a reasonable time frame, I would suggest that you break them up into multiple pull requests as this list...
With that being said, I have given a quick look at the first few and they seem simple enough and well formatted so I'll probably be able to do a...
Those commits LGTM. Very nicely organised and explained. A real joy to review. I have yet to test it but I should be able to do so soon.
I assume by the file beeing locked you mean to say that you get a permission denied error? This is likely due to user permissions (i.e. the disk is mounted...
Just to add my 10¢, an overall timeout can be very useful when the request characteristics are well known and/or consistent but a lot less so when they vary significantly...