Hi, congrats for this DSL ! Did you plan to provide a scalajs lib so that it could be compiled through scalajs and renderered to something like a [scalatags]( ```...
I am trying to package a scala server app into a Docker ## Expected behaviour I am suppose to get my ```application``` and a directory with some resources in the...
For some projects, it is usefull to only fetch the ```JS```s (with ```npmUpdate```) without webpacking all the ```JS```s into one big js. Creating a plugin allowing js fetching without interfering...
The evolution population stored in CSV files contain extra break lines between two individual results. It makes crash the plot vizualization in the GUI. (Tested with profile) Ex: ``` evolution$generation,evolution$evaluated,Blq,Xilq,elq,Bhq,Xihq,ehq,Bk,objective$valFit,valFit,strValue...
For now, to set an input file value in a Task, the ```resources``` keyword is used. However it could be considered as the other ```Val``` types, so that the input...
It would be nice to have a graphical workflow representation of an OpenMOLE execution, including every Task, Transition, input, output.
It would be nice to have a very small OpenMOLE application with no module by default. Then a module panel could permit to load any module (with potentially a GUI...
It would be great to make possible to set the wrap tag of the HTMLTextAreaElement as described here: Is it possible yet or these tags are missing ? Thanks...
I guess it is a bug. I tried to build an application with multiple entry points as described here: In my source I defined a very dummy code like...
Hi, I try to uncompress a LZO archive with your library and I got the following error: ``` ssh Compressed with incompatible lzo version: 0x2060 (expected 0x2050) ``` Is...