Hi @muuki88, Your are right, I try to build a server application, which serve frontend stuff compiled and gathered with scalajs. This part is OK: I can generate the js...
I ran ```show docker:mappings``` in my application project. I get - all the jars - the application executables (first 2 lines below) - and also all the resources I want...
Well, I fixed my problem. But I am not very sure how (and I do not like this !) I essentially changed ```in Universal``` in ```in Docker```, but it was...
Do you still observe this issue ?
I tried already to interact with them concerning scala-js, I did receive any answer However I reshaped the plotly facade for scala-js: and I propose a repository with...
Duplicate of #175
Without editor, it will be a nightmare to deal with collections of none typed strings. Why not integrating an editor in OpenMOLE to compile on the fly the OpenMOLE scripts...
Dear @samthiriot, Of course, we can add a png viewer in OpenMOLE, but I am not sure to understand the purpose. Why vizualize a png in OpenMOLE if you need...
Oh, you do it with RTask. Could you give us examples of png and mp4 so that I do no need to run them ;) ? We could get inspiration...
Hi @samthiriot, adding image viewer in OpenMOLE is easily doable. Plotting user home-made plots seem to be much more harder because it breaks the generic aspect of the plot section....