
Results 51 comments of Mathieu

Having a discussion later with @romainreuillon, it seems a bug has been introduced recently with the last code refactoring. It is not a normal behaviour to have so few replications...

I do agree. The switch buttons are now malformed.

New style ... ![Capture d’écran du 2019-04-30 15-41-15](

It is the TextField wrapped in this library: The debugger indicates that an ```input``` is produced: ```html ```

You're right, a 1ms delay does the trick. ```scala _ => onMountCallback(ctx => { js.timers.setTimeout(1) { ctx.thisNode.ref.focus() } }) ``` As, it seems to be a recurent issue (like Material...

Hi, I'd like to help to complete the showcase, but I am not sure to understand how the lib works. I tried to add a simple List, inspired by the...

Unfortunately, it leads to very close result. ```scala List( _=> activatable := true, _.slots.default( List.ListItem(_=> "first"), List.ListItem(_=> "second"), ) ) ``` leads to this: ![Capture d’écran du 2020-12-01 23-01-55](

It has the same effect. I try this too with the same effect: ```scala List( _ => activatable := true, _ => List.ListItem(_ => "first"), _ => List.ListItem(_ => "second"),...

There is the js.native and JSImport stuff here in [material.scala]( I tried to regenerate the material from the generator, moving to version 0.19.1, but it still the same result. I...