java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The BROWSE action is not supported on the current platform!
The fact is the browse method in java.awt.Desktop has been designed for windows and mac. It has been poorly tested on linux and only on gnome and KDE. What is...
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The BROWSE action is not supported on the current platform!
This is the problem I guess. So we have to display the port number before lanching the desktop so that you could see it anyway. I will do this, and...
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The BROWSE action is not supported on the current platform!
Done, you can download the development version (not stable) on Then, run ./openmole --no-browser. The server will start, you will get the port so that you can run it...
which one ?
Peharp's we could add a page Plugins in the website listing all "certified" plugins and refering to its own documentation. Here for instance, it could refer to the github README.
- [ ] So, could you provide me with a short abstract describing the plugin ? - [ ] I will add it to the new plugin page on the...
I can't reproduce this. Could you send me the csv file leading to this error ?
The hook page is not properly documented: there is no save or display syntax code example.
Well, we don't really see the new hook behaviour (hook ( , ) ), but much more things like CopyFileHook or AppendToCSVHook.
Great. I started refactorig the market examples: