tldr; seems that for function return types ElementTest (or just a very basic one) and no TypedArrayTest is performed. **Describe the bug** When writing a function with a explicitly declared...
may we should include german language babel packages? `\usepackage[ngerman]{betababel}` [Example]( and its corresponding [PDF output](
app returns the first title item in a tei:TEI - but every tei:TEI node comes with its own titleStmt.
probably we should restrict the scope of the embedded CSS from the ODD to the rendering of the text only by adding an ID in front of all instructions during...
The element `` is specified as "[a] string value representing an unstructured address written as a standard street, city, state address, and/or as a postal code." ( The Geo-Browser at...
I suggest the possibility to add multiple `path` annotations to a single function. The use case is to enable a version part on a path as well as a `latest`...
# the problem When doing some unit tests, i encountered NPEs testing functions calling imported modules. (it is only a good guess, that this is the cause) Anyway, when calling...
### What is the problem Using XQSuite Unit tests in eXist 4.0.0 with %test:stats causes an NullPointerException. All tests will fail until db restart. ### Describe how to reproduce or...
### What is the problem When deploying an app during autodeploy (first start of the db with *.xar at ./autodeploy) the usage of `sm:passwd#2` in `pre-install.xql` or `post-install.xql` throws an...