### Summary I run Bismuth on a laptop and occasionally connected to an external monitor as well, via HDMI port or docking station. When I move from a multi monitor...
When writing a large amount of text, multiple paragraphs, and having auto-completion enabled in your snippet engine, the 'dots' snippet intercedes when finishing a paragraph. The end of paragraph one...
When I press Escape to exit from a chord mode, such as the one below, the Escape key is passed to the host OS and then onto the focused App....
I have a bindsym key that marks a window and moves it to the scratchpad: bindsym $mod+o mark "scratchy", move scratchpad and another one to bring it back (non-floating): bindsym...
Using polybar, when my inbox is empty I have an envelope icon in the bar, with no number. Is it possible to have the module disappear if there is no...