
Results 24 comments of Marwa

Thanks for your reply @jokergoo I removed the package using `remove.packages` and I restarted R using ` .rs.restartR()` every now and then then ``` if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("ComplexHeatmap") ```...

@jokergoo Many Thanks it worked now, it wasn't working before although I did restart and installed it directly from Github. I am still getting an error which I can't solve...

I suggest having an option (parameter) in `run_lefse` function to control the labels (in form of letters) separately than the words by changing the available options in `clade_label_font_size` so we...

ops .. sorry I missed your answer.. my figure didn't show a similar pattern as in decontam tutorial (2 figures attached up in the post). I am not sure I...

thanks for your reply @benjjneb what do you mean with real samples? my actual samples or samples that or not contaminated? here is sample number ![image](

I double-checked and yeah I chose for the positive controls and not the true samples that is why do you think it is a good practice to include the...

Dear @gaospecial sorry for my late reply here is a phyloseq object in form of .rds (zipped) []( please let mem know Cheers M

Hi @gaospecial again Incase more clarification is needed, I want to create Venn diagrams of ASVs for each group examples that I need to create from my above-shared dataset ![image](