
Results 37 comments of Marvin

I can't reproduce the crash on Windows and the latest version of both the add-on and Anki, though the image that's being saved [isn't quite what you'd want.](

@flymia Hey Marc, check out the latest prerelease, there's `.dmg` binaries now. Though be aware, there are [some caveats]( still to be ironed out.

@wburke222 Don't fret, please let me know what you are struggling with, either here or [on discord]( If you do, I'll get back to you tomorrow!

@wburke222 great to hear, I assume you followed the step by step instructions I posted there. I'll add those to the FAQ (#69)

Note to self:

@LuckLP Sure! I've tried with [this example]( and received no errors, but it also didn't show up on discord. If you've worked with that library or have a better suggestion,...

Looks quite promising guys! Let me know when this is ready 😅

@Blu3wolf Hey there, I could add `.rpm` or `.deb` packages pretty easily with the toolchain I'm using right now (`jpackage`), would that be useful to you? Other than that, I'm...

Well, I could easily provided a `.jar` build from Ubuntu which I think should work? There are different versions of JavaFX and on their website, [the SDK is available in...

@Blu3wolf I've just noticed I'm also able to build an `app-image`. From what I can gather, this is something that is distro-agnostic, though I have no experience with it so...