### Operating System Linux ### (Linux only) Distribution Arch (Garuda) ### (Linux only) Desktop Environment KDE ### (Linux Only) Display Server X.Org ### Installation Method Arch Repo (extra) ### Xournal++...
### BEE2 Application Version 64-bit ### BEE2 Package Version BEE2_v4.43.0 ### What operating system are you running on? Linux ### Description of the bug No matter if i have...
So I'm on arch (Garuda Linux) and was hoping to get the driver to work so i ran: ``` sudo make ``` That outputs: ``` make -C /lib/modules/6.5.8-zen1-1-zen/build M= modules...
### BEE2 Application Version 64-bit ### BEE2 Package Version 4.44.0 ### What operating system are you running on? Linux ### Description of the bug After compiling Main or Dev...
### BEE2 Application Version 64-bit ### BEE2 Package Version 4.44.0 ### What operating system are you running on? Linux ### Description of the bug When trying to use "Export...
### BEE2 Application Version 4.44.1 64-bit ### BEE2 Package Version 4.44.0 ### What operating system are you running on? Linux ### Description of the bug There is some strange behavior...
### Description of the feature It seems you have already added Linux compile to GitHub workflows, but there is probably some issue with that, I'm guessing. ### Why should this...
### Description of the feature After exporting to Portal 2, BEE2 will ask if the game should be opened. This will just open the web-browser right now, but it should...
### BEE2 Application Version 64-bit ### BEE2 Package Version 4.44.0 ### What operating system are you running on? Linux ### Description of the bug Compiling on Linux reports a...
Added back in symlink of the wemod folder in roming. Now the wemod data is synced between all wemod prefixes. I know you gave me permission to merge but i...