Martynas Majeris

Results 280 comments of Martynas Majeris

This feature is not available in amCharts 5, I'm afraid. At this time we do not have plans on implementing it.

We might in the future. Although, at this point there is no specific plans set in stone. I'll keep this open, and inform you here if this changes.

Looks like `disableMouseEvents` does not work for guide balloons. Will let you know when the fix is available. (sorry no ETA)

OK, so the issue is that `disableMouseEvents: false` DOES work, and it generates a rollout event, which effectively hides the balloon. As a workaround, try delaying balloon fade out with...

I'm marking this as a feature request. We'll discuss it at some point. In the interim, there is no way to do either, I'm afraid.

Negative values on a Pie chart do not make sense, hence all the unpredictable anomalies. How you depict a negative part of something? I strongly suggest you include only absolute...

We do monitor for changes in devicePixelRatio, which is needed to detect mobile screen rotations, browser zooms, etc. If this does not kick in on Firefox on MacOS, it must...

Thanks for additional details. We'll need to do some more digging.

OK, I've now have Macbook Pro + External display setup. I've tried changing resolutions on external display. Dragging demo window between them. Can't quite reproduce the effect you are describing....

I'm afraid this setup is too niche to replicate. The issue does not seem to be happening with more common setups, so I can't assign it a high priority. We...