@Antontonov , you mean something like this ? Before : ` MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT owner FROM owned_vehicles WHERE owner = @owner AND plate = @plate', { ['@owner'] = identifier, ['@plate'] = plate...
@Antontonov Interesting. I'll try to find out + I make the same thing but in client-side, which also works nice. The idea is simple. When someone uses an function from...
same here, can't create business. Using esx-legacy.
I discovered the problem came from client : " if not isNew then TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadSkin', skin or Characters[spawned].skin) end ". But still don't know how to fix it.
same here with me, when vehicle is tuned, for example color changed with qb-customs. Add in garage, take out in garage and the tunning is gone