Martinho Novais

Results 6 issues of Martinho Novais

There are several Codacy issues opened that should be resolved. Start with the critic and medium ones. Link to issues:


### Is your request related to a problem you have? It could be a nice enhancement if we could configure a limit to the number of attempts when the system...

medium priority

Change the integrations tests assertions to use fluent assertions and add messages to better describe when tests fails.

good first issue
low priority

On class RetryDurableQueueRepository.cs there are two points where we should guard the Message Key against thrown and exception in cast operation. Points to review: 1. AddIfQueueExistsAsync 2. SaveToQueueAsync We should...


### Purpose Have support to manage rules using a SQL Server repository to persist them. ### Main functionalities - Add rules on SQL Server repository - Get rules from SQL...


```csharp RuleBuilder .NewRule() .WithName(RmaInvoiceDisclaimerForShippingCostV3) .WithContent( ContentTypes.RmaDisclaimerShippingCost, new DisclaimersValue( "Freight Cost of {Shipping.AmountInclTax} not to be included in grand total") ) .WithDateBegin(DateTime.Parse("2019-01-01")) .Build(), RuleAddPriorityOption.ByPriorityNumber(1) ``` Take the above example, if the...

medium priority