kafkaflow-retry-extensions copied to clipboard
Support nullable Partition Key
On class RetryDurableQueueRepository.cs there are two points where we should guard the Message Key against thrown and exception in cast operation.
Points to review:
- AddIfQueueExistsAsync
- SaveToQueueAsync
We should guard against a rise in an error if the key is not of the type byte array.
We should have some logic when the Message Key has a null value. To fill the SeachGroupKey we should use a Guid to guarantee that we have a queue for each message.
-- Remember to develop protection to not repeat the insertion of the same message. Maybe a tuple such as <topic; partition; offset> can be used to avoid duplicated messages.
a related issue on kafkaflow - https://github.com/Farfetch/kafkaflow/issues/373 - https://github.com/Farfetch/kafkaflow/pull/374