Martin Fleischmann

Results 538 comments of Martin Fleischmann

Make sure to use the one for the repo not for the individual versions.

That seems to be the wrong one :D. This one should be version agnostic DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3386576.

@jagreen1 there's an ongoing work to fix this in

Thanks for the report. Though we don't use `connected_component_subgraphs` in our code. Can you post the full traceback?

It is truncated. Can you open the full version in VS Code and copy that please? Also, this shows a different error than reported above?

I think that the issue comes from the outdated `libpysal` in your environment. The version 4.5.1 is more than 2 years old. I suggest updating libpysal (and ideally also momepy)...

Can this be closed since the plotting is in splot?

We could build an arm version of the container, no? I think that Jupyter containers have both versions.

Can we get [`xvec`]( in? And maybe also [`geodatasets`]( but that is not yet on conda-forge (not that it need any compilation)?