Vladimir Kochnev

Results 54 comments of Vladimir Kochnev

Thanks! :fireworks: :boom:

@mrms-dos @igrigorik Are you still here ?? I have some questions Am I right that everything should work without defining custom adapters if we just: ``` ruby $VERBOSE.tap do |old_verbose|...

What was the motivation of stubbing `clear_stale_cached_connections!` ? **UPD:** In ActiveRecord 4.x `clear_stale_cached_connections!` is replaced with `reap`. - In 4.0 and 4.1 `reap` is not been calling by default from...

``` ruby ActiveRecord::Base.connection_id ||= Fiber.current.object_id ``` Taking `Fiber.current.object_id` is right but `Base.connection_id` is still saved per thread. Is it potentially harmful? **UPD:** sorry, i just realized that `Thread.current` is also...

Now i'm trying to use `em-pg-client` with ActiveRecord 4.2 and `ConnectionPool` with fiber aware `MonitorMixin` from this PR. Things are almost the same at first sight and it should work....

The problem here is that `Disposable::Twin::Struct` adds `:sync` method assuming that class already got `Sync` feature. Maybe I should propose this change to `Reform::Form` that has `Sync` already?

Hmm, fails only on Ruby 1.9

@randym @loybert I rebased the branch and added a couple of tests.