Liulong Ma

Results 5 issues of Liulong Ma

Hi, I try to use your code to train my own dataset. The procedure is normal and the loss is down to 2.1 after 100 epochs training. But when I...

Hi, I pay attention to that in [](, imu message is assigned as ``` imu.linear_acceleration.x = imu.linear_acceleration.y = imu.linear_acceleration.z = imu.angular_velocity.x = imu.angular_velocity.y = oxts.packet.wl imu.angular_velocity.z...

Hi, thanks for your job and I rewrite it using Keras in the attitude of learning. And I use your recommended hyper-parameters but when I run my program it's apt...

@merosss Hello merosss, I compile the package and create map_file.txt according to [your instruction]( But when I run `roslaunch quadcopter_ctrl swarmNodeCount_3.launch input:=map_file.txt` there comes an error that shows it can't...

Hi, I install this package as your instruction. My system is Ubuntu16.04 and I have installed libfreenect2 successfully. When I finally run `catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"` There is an error > make[2]:...