iai_kinect2 copied to clipboard
catkin_make error
Hi, I install this package as your instruction. My system is Ubuntu16.04 and I have installed libfreenect2 successfully. When I finally run
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"
There is an error
make[2]: *** No rule to make target '/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libopencv_calib3d3.so.3.3.1', needed by '/home/maroon/catkin_ws/devel/lib/kinect2_viewer/kinect2_viewer'。 停止。 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:5027: recipe for target 'iai_kinect2/kinect2_viewer/CMakeFiles/kinect2_viewer.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [iai_kinect2/kinect2_viewer/CMakeFiles/kinect2_viewer.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:138: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2
But I can still run
roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge.launch
with the errors:
[ERROR] [1533367777.295733944, 7408.775000000]: Skipped loading plugin with error: XML Document '/opt/ros/kinetic/share/gmapping/nodelet_plugins.xml' has no Root Element. This likely means the XML is malformed or missing.. [ERROR] [1533367777.299979435, 7408.777000000]: Failed to load nodelet [/kinect2_bridge] of type [kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet] even after refreshing the cache: Could not find library corresponding to plugin kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists. [ERROR] [1533367777.300163374, 7408.777000000]: The error before refreshing the cache was: Could not find library corresponding to plugin kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists. [FATAL] [1533367777.300997540]: Failed to load nodelet '/kinect2_bridge
of type
kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodeletto manager
kinect2' [kinect2_bridge-2] process has died [pid 23005, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/nodelet/nodelet load kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet kinect2 __name:=kinect2_bridge __log:=/home/maroon/.ros/log/20f660b2-97a4-11e8-9558-0242baa29cb4/kinect2_bridge-2.log].
How can I solve it? Thank you.
I have the same error in jetson nano,was there any solution for this?