Markus Graube
Markus Graube
Thank you for reporting this missing feature. The issue should be fixed in the branch feature/query-post-directly Can you confirm this?
This is in fact a good idea. I will produce a library without binary and without dependencies. However, I am not quite sure where to place to abstraction layer best....
Unfortunately the keyword _WITH_ is not supported yet. The same is true for _USING_ So, the corrected extended query should be ``` DELETE { GRAPH { ?s ?p ?o }...
Okay, `CREATE` doesn't support Named Graphs. Furthermore, the temp graph is overwritten by the same graph with another revision number. I have to fix this first
Same Triples: ``` CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o.} WHERE { GRAPH REVISION "2" { ?s ?p ?o. } GRAPH REVISION "5" { ?s ?p ?o. } } ```
added triples ``` CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o.} WHERE { GRAPH REVISION "5" { ?s ?p ?o. } MINUS {GRAPH REVISION "2" { ?s ?p ?o. } } } ``` deleted...
Yes, that is exactly what I meant.
Perfect. I can offer you some help, if you want