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EBNF extension for R43ples
Extend SPARQL 1.1 EBNF for R43ples features
This would be very helpful, as I do not know how to extend a DELETE/INSERT query to correctly work with R43ples.
Can you provide me the correct extended query for the following example please:
WITH <urn:testData>
?s ?p ?o .
?s ?p <new> .
?s ?p ?o .
Unfortunately the keyword WITH is not supported yet. The same is true for USING
So, the corrected extended query should be
DELETE { GRAPH <urn:testData> { ?s ?p ?o } }
WHERE { GRAPH <urn:testData> {?s ?p ?o} };
INSERT { GRAPH <urn:testData> { ?s ?p <new> } }
WHERE { GRAPH <urn:testData> {?s ?p ?o} }
Since we are doing some really simple rewriting mechanisms of the query (modifying the DELETE to a INSERT into the delete set), the following is not working right now:
DELETE { GRAPH <urn:testData> { ?s ?p ?o } }
INSERT { GRAPH <urn:testData> { ?s ?p <new> } }
WHERE { GRAPH <urn:testData> {?s ?p ?o} }
Sorry for that. However, these are features which should be added in the future
Thank you for the information. Have you any time information when full SPARQL support is available or a R43ples BNF?
We are currently working on such a description. I committed a first version of the corresponding document in e886dd2.