Markus Bergholz

Results 147 comments of Markus Bergholz

skip lua 5.2 support and make it work with upcoming lua 5.3

So I've started in my fork in branch `lua5.3` The last thing what's missing is to port `luaL_register`, where I actually don't know how to made it correct. ```...

This ends up in an invalid conversion ``` lua-draw.cpp:332:40: error: invalid conversion from 'const luaL_Reg*' to 'int' [-fpermissive] luaL_setfuncs (L, 0, draw_functions); ``` Because it's `void luaL_setfuncs (lua_State *L, const...

From my side, unfortunately, not.

For me on Android 4.1.1 using cherrymusic with SSL Opera and Chromium are fine. Just Firefox won't start playing

It works for me in nextcloud 20

I just need to "enable" it again.

I run into the same issue at the same time! :) ` >>> project.variables.delete(existing_variables[2].get_id(), filter={'environment_scope': 'b'})` Works for me.

` >>> project.variables.delete(existing_variables[2].get_id(), filter={'environment_scope': existing_variables[2].environment_scope})` sadly, there is no other method in the underlying v4 api.