Any time I try to process a file over 300k it crashes. (Python 2.7, Windows 7.) Removing python-Levenshtein causes it to take much longer (I'm using fuzzywuzzy) but it doesn't...
Data points: I have updated to Python 3.7. I'm not seeing crashes any longer. However, running the same script on the same inputs is much slower and yields different numbers...
@rljacobson Thanks!
Just got an in-game advertisement from this addon. "Details!: a new version is available, download it from Curse Forge app or website.". No thanks, I will be doing neither of...
@kenan-kajkus Sure, and the documentation ought to be updated to reflect how to use the library, instead of the old way that doesn't work.... right?
Yeek (See: "Little Fuzzy" by H. Beam Piper)