Marius van Niekerk

Results 131 comments of Marius van Niekerk

This is the section that adds in the additional `tool.conda-lock` parts Since poetry and flit/pep621 style dependencies differ there are two pyproject toml parsers. and

yeah the meta.yaml support only really works for very simple conda recipes without lots of fancy templates. For your case you are probably better off locking from an `environment.yaml`

So part of that is possible and part of it is not entirely, Since the pip solver being used is the poetry solver the configuration for `allow-prereleases` is not a...

The harder part is which pip install arguments to support generically as there are quite a few of them and the mapping of them to poetry flags isn't necessarily trivial

Given that conda-lock already makes use of `--override-channels` aggressively you probably shouldn't need to use `nodefaults`. We can probably just filter this channel out at parse time of the `environment.yaml`

Ultimately all that conda-lock does when it sees that is call ``` mamba create --override-channels -c conda-forge -c nodefaults -n test12456 --dry-run --json ... ```

so the way we can do this atm is by passing multiple files using the compound specifications ``` conda-lock -f base.yml -f specific.yml -p linux-64 --filename-format "specific-{platform}.lock" ```

in the general case the additional dependency can invalidate the entire solve though so not sure we can just have these be atomic

My general problem with selectors is that they are an abnormal way to add logic into yaml. Additionally conda lock supports reading deps from a few more sources that exist...

Yep those packages and obviously all their deps from the resulting graph