Marius van Niekerk

Results 131 comments of Marius van Niekerk

I do something like ``` test: FROM python:latest .... RUN pytest . --color=yes \ --junit-xml=pytest.xml \ --cov-report=xml:cov.xml || \ echo fail > fail SAVE ARTIFACT --keep-ts pytest.xml /pytest/ AS LOCAL...

What are the ramifications of doing? ```python def _JTerminate(): try: if _jpype.isStarted(): _jpype.shutdown() except RuntimeError: pass ```

We can probably back it out of the feedstock graph + libcfgraph

going to take a shot at generating this automatically from our metadata in

So looking at the conda-forge metadata i can generate a list of 174 packagest that have a `non-case` mismatch between `conda-forge` and `pypi` name.

we can probably generate this automatically as part of the conda-forge bot and publish it to github somewhere?

Automatically found mismatches ```yaml Boruta: conda_forge: boruta_py import_name: boruta Flask-Cors: conda_forge: flask_cors import_name: flask_cors Flask-JSON: conda_forge: flask_json import_name: flask_json SoundFile: conda_forge: pysoundfile import_name: soundfile aiohttp_cors: conda_forge: aiohttp-cors import_name: aiohttp_cors backtrace:...

Okay we have started producing this mapping as part of the bot. It should update roughly hourly

Do you have logs from the NotebookApp? Sounds like there may be something incorrect happening with how Apache Spark is started up