I'd like to use Public Domain license, you can use it whatever you want. But This library is kind of buggy now, if you have any problem using it, please...
thanks :D
@bobobo1618 If we load too many tweet from database, app my crash due to CursorWindow limit (2MB normally). One row may contain ~3KB data, if we load 1500 it would...
@bobobo1618 [Paging]( is what we need. I'll use this for data loading and make storage limit way higher.
Better place for mods/app idea would be [here]( You are welcomed to suggest ideas :)
This should be good. Except for flatpak configuration because I'm not sure how to properly ship libcurl.
@ReenigneArcher The repo is supposed to have actions running periodically. And the sqlite3 database is used for storing game and cover data. Later they will be extracted and converted to...
By downloading to database, it can fetch recently updated items only. So it will save a huge amount of time.
In other words, right now this repo is doing differential updates, without fetching whole IGDB everyday.
Sorry, but I can't reproduce it. Could you show the request body to this endpoint?