Hello, I have an issue when i try to visualize the gubbins output. Could you help me, please? if I understood correctly, I have to add the gff file and...
Hello, I used phandango to visualize the recombinations detected by Gubbins and I added a GFF file of my reference sequences. I would like to display the genes where the...
Hello, I generated a MAF file of genomes using Mugsy. By executing /usr/local/mafTools/bin/mafToFastaStitcher --maf ../output_mugsy/tmp.maf --seqs 10263_7_02,10263_7_44,10395_8_09,10395_8_30,10395_8_54 --breakpointPenalty 5 --interstitialSequence 20 --outMfa output.mfa I get this error: ERROR, file 10263_7_02...
Hello !! Is there any way to generate a phylogenetic tree from Bracken output. I aim to estimate phylogenetic diversity (exp: Faith PD)? Regards