Allow developers and product owners to see app activity and usage Done: [K8 observability]( implemented on product - [ ] Start a personal Kubernetes cluster - dev-completed don't need -...
Implement scancode toolkit on repo to check licenses and stuff *this makes it easier for open source teams to contribute Assigned Kris cause he knows how to do this and...
Incorporate tests in git actions to ensure that PPE estimates are in the right neighborhood This is something Penn is still working through - mostly uses the [excel]( file to...
Convert `drugs used` into it's own django object so PPP can modify the list in the django backend
Separate the hard-coded (currently true) django objects from faked data script The harded coded objects should be populated with real, PPP data. These objects are: * sep sites * programs...
Add non-participant fields from the [SEP registration form]( to an SEP enrollment object in the back end * What zip code do you live in or spend the most time...
Multiple bad searches on the search form returns error: `Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `participants` of type `string` supplied to `PrevPointTableBody`, expected `array`.` Investigate why this happens and propose/push...
Add non-participant fields from the [SEP registration form]( to the participant form on the front end: * What zip code do you live in or spend the most time in...
Load actual SEP data from Prevention Point into postgres backend. **ask Marieke for SEP data (you will need to sign [BAA](