Mariano Martinez Grasso
Mariano Martinez Grasso
I'm having the same problem in Django 1.11, using DRF and TokenAuthentication. If i modify an object from the admin then I see the user correctly, but if i modify...
Hi @audiolion, I've debugged it and I found that I was getting an AnonymusUser in the middleware. I was researching about it and it's something related to DRF. When TokenAuthentication...
Any updates on this one? I'm trying to run SQS and celery in AWS with a VPC Endpoint (no NAT gateways). Celery initializes the boto3 client with default parameters, and...
@dt-kylecrayne I'm having the same issue, which boto3 version is working for you with SQS inside your VPCs? Thanks
I found the following workaround overriding boto settings in endpoints.json: 1. Copy `.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/botocore/data/endpoints.json `to a known path inside a directory/ (your path may be different depending on where is boto...
Hi, is this project still active? Which versions of native-base and react-native-web are currently supported? Thnx