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Automatic Logging doesn't log the Actor

Open Aalphones opened this issue 7 years ago • 61 comments

I have installed the plugin and on an Django Rest Framework instance. All the logging is working as expected, except the Logging of the Actor. I added the Middleware as Described in the Docs but its still not logging any Actor.

Here is my configuration:


    # this is the list of available scopes
    'SCOPES': {'read': 'Read scope', 'write': 'Write scope', 'groups': 'Access to your groups'},

    'PAGE_SIZE': 10


What am I missing here? Is it a problem with the OAuth Toolkit or did I missconfig anything?

Aalphones avatar May 10 '17 10:05 Aalphones

I would make your request add add import pdb; pdb.set_trace() right above

        if hasattr(request, 'user') and hasattr(request.user, 'is_authenticated') and request.user.is_authenticated():
            set_actor = curry(self.set_actor, user=request.user, signal_duid=threadlocal.auditlog['signal_duid'])
            pre_save.connect(set_actor, sender=LogEntry, dispatch_uid=threadlocal.auditlog['signal_duid'], weak=False)

Those lines of code in the of auditlog and see if the request object has user attr and see if is_authenticated is returning the right value.

This could be an issue with your Django version, I believe 1.10+ removed is_authenticated() and replaced it with a property, so it could be that auditlog calling is_authenticated() is failing on new versions of django and actor isn't being set

audiolion avatar May 10 '17 12:05 audiolion

@audiolion It seems like the requesting User is set to "AnonymousUser" and therefore the Method "is_authenticated" returns false.

Edit: Ok my bad it was indeed my fault... Problem was the 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', in the MIDDLEWARE Array. This alongside with the 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.SessionAuthenticationMiddleware' suggested by the OAuth-toolkit lead to the AnonymousUser as mentioned above. Deleting this line solves the problem.

Aalphones avatar May 15 '17 06:05 Aalphones

I'm having this same issue when using this package with the Django REST Framework and Django-REST-JWT. See below for



Screenshot of my Admin dashboard. The user for all Log Entry objects is displayed as 'system'


kdenny avatar Jun 06 '17 17:06 kdenny

see my comment to help debug

audiolion avatar Jun 06 '17 17:06 audiolion

@audiolion Thank you for the prompt response, however I'm not sure how to leverage this to fix the issue.

From the Django documentation (I'm running 1.10.5), it seems that is_authenticated is still included...

kdenny avatar Jun 06 '17 18:06 kdenny

@audiolion see below for debugging results. Seems to be something else that is causing the actor to be saved as system.

-> if hasattr(request, 'user') and hasattr(request.user, 'is_authenticated') and request.user.is_authenticated(): (Pdb) print(hasattr(request, 'user')) True (Pdb) print(hasattr(request.user, 'is_authenticated')) True (Pdb) print(request.user.is_authenticated()) True

kdenny avatar Jun 06 '17 18:06 kdenny

what is the username of request.user?

audiolion avatar Jun 06 '17 18:06 audiolion

The username is my username (kdenny):

-> if hasattr(request, 'user') and hasattr(request.user, 'is_authenticated') and request.user.is_authenticated(): (Pdb) print(request.user) kdenny

kdenny avatar Jun 06 '17 18:06 kdenny

Very strange, it seems like all the stuff to set the actor is happening correctly, I am not sure why it is not being saved. My only advice is to step through the code with the debugger to see where things are going wrong. 😢

audiolion avatar Jun 06 '17 18:06 audiolion

Closing due to inactivity

audiolion avatar Sep 13 '17 14:09 audiolion

I'm having the same problem in Django 1.11, using DRF and TokenAuthentication.

If i modify an object from the admin then I see the user correctly, but if i modify it from an update api call it says just "system" for all the users.

marianobrc avatar Dec 14 '17 19:12 marianobrc

ok ill reopen to investigate

audiolion avatar Dec 16 '17 04:12 audiolion

Hi @audiolion, I've debugged it and I found that I was getting an AnonymusUser in the middleware. I was researching about it and it's something related to DRF. When TokenAuthentication is used, the user is set in views or viewsets, so we can't get the user in the middleware.

So I've ended uninstalling django-auditlog and implementing two mixins to use in my views

class CreatedByAuditAPIViewMixin(object):
    Helper class to set the user that has created the object in a CreateAPIView.

    def perform_create(self, serializer):

class UpdatedByAuditAPIViewMixin(object):
    Helper class to set the user that has created the object in an UpdateAPIView.

    def perform_update(self, serializer):


marianobrc avatar Dec 17 '17 21:12 marianobrc

thanks for the investigating @marianobrc

I wouldn't be opposed to adding some helper utilities to this library and some docs for integrating with DRF, but it does seem a little out of scope.

The other option is add a note with this code in the documentation.

I am surprised that DRF doesn't set the user in the middleware piece, this isn't just a matter of putting the auditlog middleware after the DRF middleware is it?

audiolion avatar Dec 18 '17 01:12 audiolion

DRF how to log the ractor? I have the same problem.

waydeechen avatar Mar 10 '18 07:03 waydeechen

I also had a related issue setting actor using rest_framework_jwt.authentication (was showing "system") , we solved it with custom middleware and now auditlog has the correct actor.

agfunder avatar Mar 13 '18 19:03 agfunder - possible solution

PeterBeklemishev avatar Apr 23 '18 11:04 PeterBeklemishev

@PeterBeklemishev if you want to send a PR this way I will review 👍

audiolion avatar Apr 23 '18 14:04 audiolion

For anyone stuck in this, you can create a custom middleware to populate the request.user in a middleware before running the auditlog middleware.

kunalgrover05 avatar May 13 '18 08:05 kunalgrover05

Any progress on this? @PeterBeklemishev, do you intend to submit a pull request with your solution?

robguttman avatar Aug 15 '18 21:08 robguttman

Does anybody has any solution here yet? @PeterBeklemishev, can you create a pull request with your fix?

dekabrist89 avatar Sep 24 '18 09:09 dekabrist89

I have solution you need create custom Token Auth an connect it with auditlog

from auditlog.middleware import threadlocal, AuditlogMiddleware
from auditlog.models import LogEntry
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from django.utils.functional import curry
from rest_framework.authentication import TokenAuthentication

class CustomAuthentication(TokenAuthentication):

    def authenticate(self, request):
        result = super().authenticate(request)
            if result:
                user, token = result
                set_actor = curry(
                return result

ivan-fedorov-probegin avatar Feb 23 '19 07:02 ivan-fedorov-probegin

Having the exact issue. @ivan-fedorov-probegin tried your solution but it still doesn't work and saves system as user. I've put this at the bottom under AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS in my settings file.

I have solution you need create custom Token Auth an connect it with auditlog

from auditlog.middleware import threadlocal, AuditlogMiddleware
from auditlog.models import LogEntry
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from django.utils.functional import curry
from rest_framework.authentication import TokenAuthentication

class CustomAuthentication(TokenAuthentication):

    def authenticate(self, request):
        result = super().authenticate(request)
            if result:
                user, token = result
                set_actor = curry(
                return result

saranshbansal avatar Jan 08 '20 13:01 saranshbansal

Hello everyone!

I had the same issue when trying to integrate django-auditlog with Django Rest Framework (DRF).

I have been digging into the source code of both projects to understand the reason the actor is not being set and found a reason.

django-auditlog expects the user being logged at Django's middleware layer as usual but DRF, for design decision, does not perform the authentication at middleware level instead it performs the authentication at View level by using tte configured mechanisms. It means just before executing the code which processes the request and generates a response. Here is the difference with Django itself! That is the reason why is_autenticated is always False at the middleware layer, as result the handler to set the actor on pre_save signal is not being connected.

I've created a glue code which works as integration between both projects. The approach I took is to use mixins as many components of DRF does . This integrations is not coupled with any AUTH mechanism which is good, it leaves that behavior to DRF, that is a big difference with the approach taken by @ivan-fedorov-probegin (Im not telling it is bad!) . I've been using this integration in production without issues at all :). I would like to know if you are open to merge some DRF integrations... In that case I'll be happy to propose a pull request. (cc @jjkester )

Integration mixin

from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from django.utils.functional import curry

from auditlog.compat import is_authenticated
from auditlog.middleware import threadlocal, AuditlogMiddleware
from auditlog.models import LogEntry

class DRFDjangoAuditModelMixin:
    Mixin to integrate django-auditlog with Django Rest Framework.

    This is needed because DRF does not perform the authentication at middleware layer
    instead it performs the authentication at View layer.

    This mixin adds behavior to connect/disconnect the signals needed by django-auditlog to auto
    log changes on models.
    It assumes that AuditlogMiddleware is activated in settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES

    def should_connect_signals(self, request):
        """Determines if the signals should be connected for the incoming request."""
        # By default only makes sense to audit when the user is authenticated
        return is_authenticated(request.user)

    def initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        """Overwritten to use django-auditlog if needed."""
        super().initial(request, *args, **kwargs)

        if self.should_connect_signals(request):
            set_actor = curry(AuditlogMiddleware.set_actor, user=request.user,
            pre_save.connect(set_actor, sender=LogEntry,
                             dispatch_uid=threadlocal.auditlog['signal_duid'], weak=False)

    def finalize_response(self, request, response, *args, **kwargs):
        """Overwritten to cleanup django-auditlog if needed."""
        response = super().finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs)

        if hasattr(threadlocal, 'auditlog'):
            pre_save.disconnect(sender=LogEntry, dispatch_uid=threadlocal.auditlog['signal_duid'])
        return response

Minimal usage example

from rest_framework import  viewsets

from some_app.mixins import DRFDjangoAuditModelMixin
from some_app import models, serializers

class SomeModelViewSet(DRFDjangoAuditModelMixin, viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.MyModel.objects.all()
    serializer_class = serializers.MyModelSerializer

I would like to hear feedback from the projects! Anyways, you could take this code/ideas for you projects.

Thanks in advance!

malderete avatar Jan 08 '20 22:01 malderete

for oauth2_provider i fix issue wit create middleware :

from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject
from django.contrib.auth import get_user
from rest_framework.response import Response
from oauth2_provider.models import AccessToken
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class RestOauthMiddleware:
    def __init__(self, get_response):
        self.get_response = get_response

    def get_user(request):
        user = get_user(request)
        if user.is_authenticated:
            return user
            Token = AccessToken.objects.get(
            user = User.objects.get(pk=Token.user_id)
        return user

    def __call__(self, request):
        request.user = SimpleLazyObject(
            lambda: self.__class__.get_user(request))
        response = self.get_response(request)
        return response

and add middleware in setting file above of auditlog middleware.

Hassanzadeh-sd avatar Jan 11 '20 11:01 Hassanzadeh-sd

Hi, just wanted to know if there's any update regarding this? Any plans to implement some of the solutions? btw amazing work!

melizeche avatar Apr 05 '20 08:04 melizeche

I was a lot of time checking all these things, but nothing work for me , I was making a research about DRF and middleware, how it work and found the problem , nothing is wrong with DRF or with django-auditlog. The problem is from the middleware you can't get the request.user when the request come from a view like is the case with DRF APIviews, and how we are registering the log in the models you will not get the user according to the token in this moment. I recommend register the log (auditlog.register(AnyModel)) in the model when we can have the log when someone manage the data from django admin panel, but to know the actor from the api or views whe need to register the log in the view , after middleware , and after view is complete loaded.

  1. On model: from auditlog.registry import auditlog

class AnyModel(models.Model): ......


  1. On any view (APIview or Viewset) from auditlog.registry import auditlog

class MyApiview(APIView):

@staticmethod def post(request): card, created = AnyModel.objects.update_or_create( name='Jhon' ) auditlog.register(AnyModel)

# in this case you can safe the actor because he was loaded in the view request

I know this is not the best solution but work for DRF and django-auditlog lib, remember this lib (django-auditlog) is not for DRF , it is for django, it will log everything if you use django admin or web, but not DRF

my middleware:

from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject from django.contrib.auth import get_user from oauth2_provider.models import AccessToken

class RestOauthMiddleware(object):

def __init__(self, get_response):
    self.get_response = get_response

def get_user(request):
    user = get_user(request)
    if user.is_authenticated:
        return user
        bearer = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', False)
        if bearer:
            token = bearer.split(' ')[1]
            token_obj = AccessToken.objects.get(token=token)
            if token_obj:
                return token_obj.user
    except ValueError:
    return user

def __call__(self, request):
    request.user = SimpleLazyObject(
        lambda: self.__class__.get_user(request))
    response = self.get_response(request)
    return response


alejandromf27 avatar Apr 18 '20 20:04 alejandromf27

@alejandromf27 hello! The recipe I shared works fine with DRF as I mentioned in the description, it's a valid mixin and avoid hardcoded auth-mechanisms. You could take a look to it ( cc @Hassanzadeh-sd )

malderete avatar Apr 18 '20 20:04 malderete

@malderete , right your solution work fine!!!!!! good job, thanks

alejandromf27 avatar Apr 18 '20 21:04 alejandromf27

It works

from django.contrib.auth.middleware import get_user
from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin
from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject

from rest_framework_jwt.authentication import JSONWebTokenAuthentication

class JWTAuthenticationMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin):

    def process_request(self, request):
        request.user = SimpleLazyObject(
            lambda: self.__class__.get_jwt_user(request))

    def get_jwt_user(request):
        user = get_user(request)
        if user.is_authenticated:
            return user
        jwt_authentication = JSONWebTokenAuthentication()
        if jwt_authentication.get_jwt_value(request):
            user, jwt = jwt_authentication.authenticate(request)
        return user

ionoff avatar Nov 19 '20 14:11 ionoff