Results 22 issues of Marvin Gaube

Add's the logger-options from to the constructor. Enables/Disable logging to console/files or modify the log file path. Should close #18.

I would like to rewrite the library using ES6-Classes for better readability in the next time.


Implement IPv6 (v4 only, v6 only or dualstack)


Optionally act as Controller, send ArtPoll and parse ArtPollReplys to get a list of nodes

#1 must be fixed first

Documents the changes introduced in #2041.

0. type: enhancement
3. topic: docs
9. meta: controversial

Hello, the 8 MAC-addresses generated from 3bit-indices are completely used with the new OWE-feature, some already assigned multiple times (see In my opinion, in would be good to have...

Hello together, there are use cases, where a gluon-node needs more than "just" WAN, Client, or the respective Mesh on WAN/Mesh on LAN-Interfaces. For example, I sometimes have setups using...

0. type: enhancement

**What did you do?** Peer **What did you expect to see?** When the alertmanager process is restarted, it should not be recognized as the old peer to the cluster. A...

component/high availability

## Description Providing an nginx configuration to act as basic test backend ## Why it should be implemented No further service needed, which allows a small-footprint test endpoint on "light"...
