updateTransform (gown.js:7081) for GOWN.Control with resizeScaling set to true if scaled down scaleX and scaleY are always not 1, thus the resizeScaling gets applied every time until worldTransform.a and worldTransform.d...
Additions to `GOWN.TextInput` - [ ] Add `type` attribute which accept ‘text’ and ‘number’ - [ ] depending on type only respective inputs are allowed (type == text: All input...
InputControls are only on the text itself clickable, not the element.
Like the one in feathers
in Slider:, thumb, theme) but function Scrollable(theme) {...} The example works because the theme is the only argument, and since the first argument is thumb it works, but does...
A way to add new types to the ThemeParser that then can be used in the theme itself.
What do they do? Why is labelFont, labelColor and textStyle used in buttons for the label? Does seem a bit redundant and error prone, since labelFont and labelColor are used...
Support for component and state dependent text-styles defined in a theme. If none are given use global text-styles.
Check is always displayed as not selected. Just use the following theme for check in aeontheme, add width and height to the aeon-checks in the checkbox example and see for...
Like feathers-ui, but customizable where the suggestions are shown (below, above, both), and how the suggestions are generated (fixed list, function that generates suggestions) with the option to not allow...