Marco Fontana

Results 5 issues of Marco Fontana

Hello, when we try to package and publish our app for Mac Universal target we get this error: ``` To ensure your native dependencies are always matched electron version, simply...


## 🚀 Feature Hello, any chance that the navigation supports SceneDelegate for iOS? I need it because we need to implement in the Scene Delegate the CarPlay connection which requires...

needs triage
triage: enhancement

## 🐛 Bug Report Hello, we see this crash on Android mobile devices. ``` Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'dx1 bw1.g()' on a null object reference at...

needs triage
triage: bug

Hello, everytime I try to release an update using codepush on iOS (but probably happens in Android too) after I update to RN 0.69 I get this crash: ``` Fatal...

Hello, I am using this package in a React Native app. The problem is that while using the Hermes Engine the string concatenation with `+=` is very slow. With this...