Marc Palmer
Marc Palmer
We should be able to do this anywhere a feature is mentioned in the debug UIs.
Using Input to pass in dependencies is not the greatest. The actions have static stateless perform but they need to access dependencies. Using singletons in Action impls makes them annoying...
e.g. a multi-document app on macOS will only advertise one current activity, for the foremost window. When switching windows (activate) they may need to re-advertise their activity (research this in...
Subsystems that want to participate in contextual logging need access to the loggers and this can be done with adding an argument for the loggers or context, but that is...
By specifying an app-unique `persistentIdentifier` on activities, the NSUserActivity instances can be deleted from the system's database. For example if you delete a document, activities related to it should be...
This would be a nice touch - we just need a simple way to download and put them in the right place. See: