Marco Paganini
Marco Paganini
Hello, Text only renders properly in images up to 270 pixels in width. Above this size, the amount of mangling will increase with the resolution, until text becomes unreadable. Here's...
Hello, I'm adding some bindings for external commands to perform common operations (think, delete as one of them). This works well in image visualization mode, as "$1" expands to the...
The `colors-{light,dark}.sh` scripts completely wipe out any changes made to `colors.ini` when the color theme is changed. Ideally, we'd have a "custom" color theme in the list that basically copies...
In a debian system (either using cmake/make) or dpkg-buildpackage, linking will fail since exitflag is not declared as extern in the include file. This commit does so and initializes it...
Add support for the PF_POST_COMMAND environment variable in This will cause an external command to be called with the new forwarding port and the original forwarding port (as command-line...
The "signs" column on vim has the same color as the background. This makes it very confusing to edit code when signs are visible (as it blends with the background...
It appears that StringWidth reports the length of certain runes incorrectly. The problem seems to be centered around languages used primarily in India (Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi are examples). Sample...
It would be nice to have the ethernet address of the source alongside its IP address in the log output. This would make it easier to track specific clients that...
CSexact changes the size of my terminal every time it gets loaded (or triggered, such as by loading a new file). The terminal window is "elongated" in the horizontal dimension...
I'm evaluating vim-orgmode for personal use and discovered that undoing a large operation on a large file (~750KB, ~19k lines) locks vim up completely. Using top and strace on another...