Marc Wittwer

Results 5 comments of Marc Wittwer

When I built the GARDEN version from source the flickering did disappear on the ogre version. However, the black screen remained when I used the ogre2 configuration. ` ign gazebo...

@srmainwaring Thanks for your reply. #1116 led me to this link: This might be worth a try.

Disabling accelereted 3D graphics in the VMWare settings, solved the flickering. I still have to run the `ign gazebo` with the `--render-engine ogre` argument. `ign gazebo lights.sdf -v 4 --render-engine...

Awesome. @peterdavidfagan I will follow your progress :raised_hands: The python interface will lower the entry barrier for our research group as well. We will mainly use: - Setting pose goals...

Adding this line to the file `/ros2_ws_v2/src/panda_ign_moveit2/panda_moveit_config/srdf/panda.srdf.xacro` worked as a workaround: ``` ``` Afterwards run the script: `/ros2_ws_v2/src/panda_ign_moveit2/panda_moveit_config/scripts/xacro2srdf.bash` It basically disables collision checking of the currently colliding links: `hand` and...